From King Saul to the Shepherd David; A Prophetic Vision for Nigeria

Adams AllisonNovember 1, 2020 I have had a vision.During the night season, I saw a vision which I can only share partly in parables. In this vision, I had already had another vision, like a dream within a dream (so let’s label the main vision, vision 1.0, and the “dream within a dream” vision 2.0). […]

Conversations with the Pagemaster – About Pleading the Blood

The Blood does not chase devils nor does it protect property, we have the anointing and angels for that. It doesn’t make the blood any less powerful. It just means it has its jurisdiction. The same way the anointing of the Holy Spirit cannot forgive you your sins and that doesn’t make it any less powerful than it actually is. It only means it has its own jurisdiction.

Prophetic Perspectives on The Protests – 3

The Parable of Gibeah – Part 3 of 3 Headless By Adams Allison 22 October 2020 Why did things deteriorate to such a state in Israel that the people of the covenant would stoop so low as to rape and kill a guest? The answer is laced all through the story from the very beginning […]

The Vision of The Coming War

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 By Adams Allison Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle. Psalms 144:1 NKJV I had a dream where I was part of an army that was made up of several armies (just like Israel with its several tribes, each having its […]

Pagemaster’s Wisdom for Today – Part 2

“Tunnel Experiences” By Adams Allison  Hurt people tend to raise a shield, a form of defense mechanism, to protect themselves from future hurts. These shields can come in different forms. Some choose not to trust again (reasoning that if they don’t have expectations then they won’t have disappointments). Some choose not to feel again (their […]

A PageMaster Moment – WWJD

Here is my PageMaster Moment. . .   I realize that when cynical people want to corner you with a silly argument, or criticize established authorities, they say things like, ‘Jesus did not own a school, He did not build a cathedral’.

How The Mighty Are Fallen

People are out there, searching for deep waters and seeking deeper roots. And what do they get? A puddle of water and a broken flower pot. How do we expect the souls entrusted to us by the Lord to take deep roots in shallow flower pots. We feed milk to grown men and expect them […]

End Time Myth Part 1

The idea that it is the end times and as such things will not get better is a growing belief system that is halting progress in people’s minds and killing their will to move civilization forward. Funny thing is, proponents don’t know the origin of this mindset. They think this belief system originates from the […]

The Law of Sowing And Reaping

Unfortunately, people twist the message to teach that you have to give a certain amount dictated by your pastor. That’s wrong, let God dictate to you. Another lie is that with your money you can lay claim to certain named blessings at a financial price. That is very very wrong.

Between the Light and the Lies

“And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.  For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.  But he who does the truth comes to the light, […]