Pagemaster Apostolic Centre
…sending out living epistles into a dying world!
Reignite. Equip. Deploy.
Who we are
The Pagemaster Apostolic Centre is a training and discipleship centre, patterned after the Apostolic Model found in the Acts of the Apostles. We are not a church, we are an apostolic centre. There is a difference. This difference can be likened to the distinction between an organization and a consultancy. One does the actual “business” while the other trains and equips the workers of the former to have the capacity to do the business. In this case, the churches of God are the organisations while apostolic centres are the consultancies.
Our Mission
Our mission is threefold – to rebuild, restore and release.

Curated Pagemaster Series

Kingdom Series

The Altar of Stone Series

Pagemaster Sword Academy 8

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Weekly / Monthly Programmes
Q&A on Dreams, Enigmas & Scriptures every first Friday of the month from 8pm to 10pm.
The Unsealing
A teaching seminar every Saturday (except first Saturday of the month) from 3pm to 5pm.
Priesthood Prayers
Prayer meeting every Friday (except first Friday of the month) from 8pm to 9pm.
Songs of Ascent
6 hours of Praise, Prayer & Power every first Saturday of the month from 11am to 5pm.

Listen to our broadcast in real-time, wherever you are.