Prophetic Perspectives on The Protests – 3

The Parable of Gibeah – Part 3 of 3 Headless By Adams Allison 22 October 2020 Why did things deteriorate to such a state in Israel that the people of the covenant would stoop so low as to rape and kill a guest? The answer is laced all through the story from the very beginning […]

Prophetic Perspectives on The Protests – 1

Introduction – Part 1 of 3  The ‘Answer’ is Up-Hill By Adams Allison 21 October 2020 I will be sharing three important prophetic perspectives on the current happenings in our land as peaceful protesters were gunned down by an oppressive government. This will be the first perspective I will be sharing and it is only […]

Signs Of The Times (Part 2): The Sign Of The Man Child

I have said in the last post that I am persuaded that we are living in the times of the Man Child. Today, what I want to do is point us to the signs of the times we live in. The Book of Revelation tells us that two signs appeared in heaven before the Man […]

REDEMPTION – Extravagant Love

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” ~Jim Elliot~ When you think of the brave, and the courageous or the perfect adventure, what comes to mind? The American Navy Seals, the Spartan warriors or is it the ninjas and samurais of the Asian countries? No […]