Prophetic Perspectives on The Protests – 3

The Parable of Gibeah – Part 3 of 3 Headless By Adams Allison 22 October 2020 Why did things deteriorate to such a state in Israel that the people of the covenant would stoop so low as to rape and kill a guest? The answer is laced all through the story from the very beginning […]

Prophetic Perspectives on the Protests – 2

The Parable of Gibeah – Part 2 of 3 The Travail of Agitators By Adams Allison  21 October 2020 The prophetic picture for what is happening in Nigeria can be seen in Judges Chapter 19 to 21. Let’s break it down to draw the prophetic parallel that this passage of scripture presents us. The Violation […]

When The Children Of Light Are In The Dark By Adams Allison (October 12, 2018)’s the season of Politics and Power, so let’s talk politics a bit. Very often our desire to stay sanctified as God’s people ends up with us being isolated. Because we fear contamination, we fail to do one of our core duties – service to humanity. So just like the priest and the Levite in […]