The Pagemaster Symposium – A Personal Walk
The Pagemaster Symposium Powered by Mainstream Mavericks Presents a new theme in the “Back To The Basics” series; A Personal Walk
Becoming A Son
The Christian’s journey from birth to maturity is a progression from servant-hood through friendship to son-ship. According to Galatians, a child is no different from a servant even though he is the heir of all things.
The Pagemaster Project
Dear Friend, Calvary greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It brings me great honour to present to you a book-reading Symposium, which I am pioneering, called Pagemaster. Pagemaster is born out of the love to reach people with powerful Christian truths that work. And by God’s grace, Pagemaster is an […]
Chronicles of the Kingdom: Crooked Lines
I have been asked by a few why I haven’t posted and when I will. I had to take a break… work things placing high demands on me. Will gist you about that later. This December, I’ll do a little make up for the last month and then go all the way for this Christmas […]
Hidden Treasures
“The Scripture is a box without hinges, keys, or lid, yet golden treasures are hid within.” ~Adams Allison~ The Bible, like a goldmine, is filled with precious truths. Sometimes Scripture is very clear about what it says, but sometimes we need to drill deep and do some excavation work ourselves (by the help of His […]
REDEMPTION – Extravagant Love
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” ~Jim Elliot~ When you think of the brave, and the courageous or the perfect adventure, what comes to mind? The American Navy Seals, the Spartan warriors or is it the ninjas and samurais of the Asian countries? No […]