Conversations with the Pagemaster – About Pleading the Blood
The Blood does not chase devils nor does it protect property, we have the anointing and angels for that. It doesn’t make the blood any less powerful. It just means it has its jurisdiction. The same way the anointing of the Holy Spirit cannot forgive you your sins and that doesn’t make it any less powerful than it actually is. It only means it has its own jurisdiction.
The Pagemaster Symposium – Chronicles of Grace
It is another life-changing edition of The Pagemaster Symposium and you are cordially invited. Theme: Chronicles of Grace In dark times like this when the authentic gospel of Grace has been overshadowed by a counterfeit, we are in dire need of great illumination on this important subject. This need is what the Pagemaster Symposium aims […]
Should a New Testament Believer Pay Tithe?
There are two major reasons people give in their defense against paying tithe. The first is that it is an Old Testament practice. The second is that there is no record of it as a New Testament practice. Both arguments are wrong. Let’s look at some New Testament scriptures that point to the relevance of […]
The Question of ‘Once Saved Forever Saved’ Part 3: What does grace look like in the context of scripture?
Does grace overlook it when we sin? No, it doesn’t. The Scripture says; “…Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be in danger of hell fire.” Matthew 5:22 NKJV Saying, “You fool”, looks like too little a sin for a punishment as great as hell, but that’s what scripture says. James explains why this is so; “Whoever […]
The Question of ‘Once Saved, Forever Saved’ Part 2: Why most people beat about the bush when debating ‘hyper-grace’
In my first post about this doctrine of ‘once saved, forever saved’, I said that many are poorly equipped to fight this error. So, in order for us to be better equipped, I spoke about the fundamentals of their philosophy of ‘grace’, so that we know what we’re up against. In this post, I want […]
The Question of ‘Once Saved, Forever Saved’ Part 1: The Fundamentals of this New Grace Rave
There is a new wave of doctrinal error rampaging the church. Those who peddle this erroneous message are called ‘hyper grace’ teachers/preachers and like Jude, “I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept […]
Becoming A Son
The Christian’s journey from birth to maturity is a progression from servant-hood through friendship to son-ship. According to Galatians, a child is no different from a servant even though he is the heir of all things.