About Pagemaster
Apostolic Centre

The Pagemaster Apostolic Centre is a training and equipping centre, patterned after the apostolic model found in the book Acts of the Apostles.

We are not a church; we are an Apostolic Centre. There is a difference between a church and an apostolic centre. This difference can be likened to the distinction between an organization and a consultancy. One does the actual “business” while the other trains and equips the workers of the former to have the capacity to do the business effectively and efficiently. In this case, the churches of God are the organizations while the apostolic centres are the training and equipping facilities.

In scripture, these distinct operations were known as “the church” and “the work” respectively.
Barnabas and Paul were commission to do “The Work” of training and equipping. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said,

Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for THE WORK to which I have called them.

And below we see that the work of training and equipping was done for “THE CHURCH”.

And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening THE CHURCHES.

So, THE CHURCHES were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.

As an apostolic centre, we do the WORK by in three stages – Reignite – Equip – Deploy. We reignite the fire of prayer altars, equip disciples with love, truth and power and deploy God’s people into their primary place of assignment.


To establish the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence by sending out Living Epistles into a dying world.


Our mission is threefold – to rebuild, restore and release.

Our Brief History

Through the years, we have gone through several phases, starting from our days of Bible study back in school and now to our current commission.

Phase 1

This phase began around 2010 in the University of Benin while we were still students and continued till after graduation. These first 5 years were our days of round table Bible studies. Like iron sharpening iron, we taught and learnt from one another.

Phase 2

This phase was the outreach phase which began shortly after graduation but not until after our Arrowhead married the wife of his youth in 2015. This phase also lasted roughly 5 years. As newlyweds, the arrowhead and his wife each had a dream but both dreams had an identical message

'Take, go and plant in the city of Lagos. For the need is urgent'.

He received it but delayed in planting it. Still in the vision, the woman returns on their wedding day and asks, “Have you planted the seeds?”

He said he hadn’t, and she rebukes him, “Why haven’t you? Don’t you know there is great demand for these seeds?” and the dream ended.

The instruction was clear, “the seed is the message of the kingdom” (See Matthew 13:19), and the need, urgent.

We began holding meetings every two months in the Arrowhead’s apartment and then moved to a hall. After a year or two, our meetings became monthly.

During this phase, what we learnt in private from back in school days was being tried and tested on the ‘mountain tops’ through our monthly outreaches called Symposiums.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is the apostolic centre phase. Before now, we were content with the occasional monthly Symposium outreaches, and thought we were doing the ministry God had called us to do until the Lord rebuked us for not fully answering the call on March 21, 2021.

The Lord, in his rebuke, said that there are phases to this assignment, but we keep repeating the same phase because we keep repeating classes. This led our Arrowhead into a series of ‘retreats’ to seek the Face of God further. And on the 30th of March, in a series of visions, it became clear what the assignment was and how much we had fallen short. The man of God was taken in a vision, in which he saw himself go through a time portal into the year 2014 where he met Dr. Myles Munroe when he was still alive and Dr. Munroe gave him a package and said, this is the kingdom mandate. (A reminder of the vision of the jar of seeds that was given before his wedding).

It was then the Lord explained that the assignment has been had been delayed for the past seven years (i.e., 2014 to 2021) and a great sense of urgency is required to respond to it now.

As a result of this, we consolidated our ministry efforts into what we now call The Pagemaster Apostolic Centre.