PURPOSE – Destined for Honour and Glory

“God’s love is so real that He created you just so He can prove it.” ~Nick Vujicic~ This post flows from the last thought shared on my previous post about receiving a calling from God. And here I intend to touch on a very sensitive matter that springs from that thought – predestination. More challenging […]

PURPOSE – The Power of Vision 2

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ~King Solomon~ In the first part of this post, PURPOSE – The Power of Vision, I wrote about passion and talent. Today I want to continue and tell you about opportunities and calling.

PURPOSE – The Power of Vision

Hello… In my last blog post – PURPOSE: The Challenge Of A Life Without Purpose, I shared how challenging life can be without purpose and added how maximizing our potential is a major key to discovering our purpose. So today I want to build on that thought. “The future belongs to those who see opportunities […]

PURPOSE: The Challenge of a Life Without Purpose

Life sometimes can feel like racing on a treadmill; a lot of energy is expended and at a great speed too, but no progress is made and no change is seen either. The walls we see around us are the same with each passing minute and that can impact our sanity in ways no psychiatrist […]