Faith In The New Nigeria

My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
~Psalms 45:1~


We have always believed,
We never had a shadow of doubt,
When others stumbled in unbelief,
We found light in the night vision.

We have always believed,
But never understood,
Our hearts have been strong,
But our minds hamstrung,
The cares of this life often choked the word.

We have always believed,
But now we understand,
Like the ancients,
By faith we understand…
Like Rabbi taught,
We believe now we know His will.

Now we understand,
It is not a rat race,
It is not a lion race,
It is not a presidential race,
It is The Race.

Now we understand your drive,
It is not love for power,
But the power of love,
It is not for influence of power,
But for power of influence.

We now understand the goal,
It is not for what you can get,
But for a nation that works
It is not for property at the capital,
But for the redistribution of wealth

Now we understand our demands,
It’s not for titles or recognition – any fool with gold can get this.
It’s not to be king, but for our rightful place as king makers,
kings came and go, but king-makers stay eternal.

Now we understand the journey,
It was not easy but it’s been worth it,
For Moses, it was 42 camps until the promised land,
For you, it’s been 42 years of unwavering faith, until the promise of a Nigeria that works in our lifetime.

As we have heard, so we have seen
In the city of the Lord of hosts,
In the city of our God: God will establish it forever.
~Psalm 48:8 NKJV~

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