Here is my PageMaster Moment. . .
I realize that when cynical people want to corner you with a silly argument, or criticize established authorities, they say things like, ‘Jesus did not own a school, He did not build a cathedral’.
They forget that if we go by that logic (that is, the ‘WWJD – What Would Jesus Do?” logic), we would also not get married because Jesus did not get married. We would also never travel abroad because Jesus never travelled abroad.
That’s the problem with the ‘WWJD‘ ideology. It is not founded on truth or on faith but in religion.
Religion is predetermined by dogma and dead traditions. Tradition is trade + generation. When one generation tries to trade their success to another generation, it is tradition. Sadly, tradition is frozen success. It can no longer animate or give life or replicate itself.
Faith on the other hand is predicated on relationship. The idea is not what Jesus would do but what would He have me do? You can’t find that out from tradition but only from and by relationship. You will have to commune with Jesus to know what He would have you do.
He can say to one, “Follow me” and to another, “Go to Decapolis and tell them of Me”. But only by relationship can you know what He asks of you.
Therefore, let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
P.S. The PageMaster Symposium holds on Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 1pm with the theme, Keys of the Kingdom
See link for details
The Pagemaster Symposium: Keys of the Kingdom
I would love to see you there.
Adams Allison.