About Us

Who we are

About Pagemaster Apostolic Centre

The Pagemaster Apostolic Centre is a training and equipping centre, patterned after the apostolic model found in the book Acts of the Apostles.

We are not a church; we are an apostolic academy. We are not affiliated with any denomination but rather operate as an interdenominational organisation.

As an apostolic academy, we function as a training, equipping and establishing facility for the raising of disciples, the sending forth of fiery ministers, and the commissioning of apostolic ministries, movements and local churches. We have been privileged to facilitate a few of such operations in the past by God’s grace many more in times to come. We developed and still develop diverse training blueprints, books, and platforms for the forging of firebrand leaders for the kingdom of God.

In scripture, the operations of an apostolic centre is distinguished from the operations of the church. This distinction is known as “the work” and “the church,” respectively.

“Barnabas and Paul were commissioned to do “the work” of training, equipping, and establishing of churches. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said,

“Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for THE WORK to which I have called them.”
— Acts 13:2 NKJV

And below we see that the work of training and equipping was done for “THE CHURCH”.

“And he went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening THE CHURCHES.”
— Acts 15:41 NKJV
“So, THE CHURCHES were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily.”
— Acts 16:5 NKJV

As an apostolic centre, we do the WORK by in three stages – ReigniteEquipDeploy.

We Reignite the fire of prayer altars and of fervent spirits, Equip disciples with love, truth, and power and Deploy God’s people into their primary place of assignment.

Our Mission

Our mission is threefold – to rebuild, restore and release.

1. To rebuild the lost apostolic model

2. To restore the power of the Holy Spirit to God’s children as it was in the days of old.

3. To release this generation from the twin bondages of corruption and religion, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Our Vision

To establish the Kingdom of God in every sphere of influence by sending out Living Epistles into a dying world.

Our Story

Our Brief History

Through the years, we have gone through several phases, starting from our days of Bible study back in school and now to our current commission.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3