COMMUNICATION 102: A Lesson in Listening

I read the conversation between an atheist and a renowned Christian who is also an intellectual and I realized how much knowledge we have attained as a church and how much such height of knowledge might be costing us. In the conversation, the atheist asked some questions and the Christian intellectual gave responses that I […]

On Correcting an Erring Brother

Correcting other people’s error is a very delicate matter and requires a great deal of maturity and experience to handle. It is just like handling uranium, you don’t leave it to everyday people to handle, not even to those who know how dangerous the substance can be. In such a delicate matter, it is best […]

COMMUNICATION 101: The Soul of a Healthy Debate

Lessons from a discussion between a five-year-old and his father. A young boy of 5 asked his father, ‘’Dad, why do we pay tax?’’ The father went on and on about how taxpayer’s money is used to fix roads, fund security and education and he listed so many other uses appealing to logic and reason. […]

Becoming A Son

The Christian’s journey from birth to maturity is a progression from servant-hood through friendship to son-ship. According to Galatians, a child is no different from a servant even though he is the heir of all things.